NETKETABi is a multi-dimensional educational solution that aims to build the competencies of a Palestinian youth by creating 21st-century skills development opportunities. By providing school-age youth with access to customized laptops containing new educational content along with services that promote intellectual stimulation in and out of the classroom, youth are engaged in a self-learning empowered environment that promotes strong communities where members are able to tackle vast local and global changes.
The NETKETABi implementation outlets are as follows:
- Distribution of affordable rigid laptop units with easy payment features to Palestinian children
- Educational Content Development in collaboration with teachers
- Training on unit utilization for NETKETABi students and parents
- Training of NETKETABi students on life skills
- Training of Trainers (TOT) training of young adults to become NETKETABi trainers
- Training of Teachers on ICT integration into the classroom