Our Projects
Advancing Ai for Sustainable Development Advancing AI for Sustainable Development’s objective is to equip youth with AI skills that are applicable in daily life, enhancing their capabilities to navigate and leverage AI technologies across various life aspects effectively. Implemented by Partners for Development (PSD) and funded by USAID Building
Recreation Through Gamification Partners for Sustainable Development (PSD) in partnership with MSI implemented a project aimed at providing recreational and psychosocial support to children in conflict zones and displaced communities through gamification and supportive education. The project, targeting 600 children—100 within schools and 500 in after-school programs—focused on fostering
Leading Change Project Background The proposed project aims to strengthen citizens’ civic participation socially and economically and contribute to preventing/combating GBV through awareness campaigns, intensive workshops, and introducing various tools and methods. The project will provide a holistic program for life transformative skills, strengthening the capacities of and empowering
Edu4ALL Edu4ALL aims at supporting the inclusion of students with disabilities in HE by establishing an “Inclusive Education Unit” that follows the international standards with the objective of equality in Education, Activities, and Services. We target students who are blind or low vision, deaf or hard of hearing, or
Youth Steps Youth Steps/ USAID funding: is a dynamic youth-led project with a unique approach, placing the power in the hands of young individuals. The project revolves around forming a leadership group comprising active youth from various communities empowering them to drive the project forward and ensure its sustainability.
Shababeek a Learning Loss Compensation Program Partners for Sustainable Development (PSD), in partnership with the Ministry of Education and with funding from the World Bank successfully implemented a large-scale remedial, catch-up, and supportive education program. This initiative reached 10,000 students across 150 public schools, utilizing an innovative hybrid model
Design for Change (DFC) Design for Change (DFC) is a global movement that cultivates the ‘I Can’ mindset in every child. This ‘I Can’ spirit empowers children and gives them an opportunity to express their own ideas for a better world and put them into action. Design for Change was born out of the conviction that children
NETKETABi NETKETABi is a multi-dimensional educational solution that aims to build the competencies of a Palestinian youth by creating 21st-century skills development opportunities. By providing school-age youth with access to customized laptops containing new educational content along with services that promote intellectual stimulation in and out of the classroom,
Virtual Institute for Employment & Work (VIEW) This project is designed to create and maintain an on-line virtual work portal that will offer virtual work opportunities for Palestinian youth. VIEW will be presented as a website and a mobile application and will create linkages between youth and employers from
Makkeni Makkeni fosters the economic empowerment of fresh female graduates to prepare them to enter the market in the fields of digital marketing and digital media. The project aims to work towards expanding women’s opportunities and participation in Palestine’s growing economy by developing women’s talents, providing networking opportunities, and
Let’sMOD PSD has been implementing the Polyup program since 2018. Polyup is a computational thinking playground where students can experiment with elements of mathematics and computer science. Polyup’s playground allows anyone to create an activity (known as a Poly machine) and share it with anyone else to play said
TechCamp TechCamp Ramallah: Business Success through Academic Excellence provided university students the critical thinking skills, tech-savvy, and ability to innovate that they need to survive and thrive in the private sector. This workshop and activities strengthened linkages between students and Palestinian businesses by focusing on the power of technology
Milon The milON initiative is a collaborative effort between journalists, filmmakers, coders, educationalists and media trainers in Jordan, Palestine, and Tunisia, with technical and financial support from Sweden. The aim of milON is to strengthen media awareness and critical thinking skills amongst children and youth. In the MENA region,
ECFOLI ECFOLI is an innovative Media education and Information Literacy (MIL) project aiming at fostering sustainable conflict resolution strategies through the study and ownership of the common Mediterranean culture, in particular local cultural heritage. The project overall involved five countries including Portugal, Palestine, Cyprus, Morocco, and France targeting youth
iCode In 2014, PSD expanded its programming towards the integration of technology, particularly coding, to reinforce ICT, problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, and teamwork as core skill among Palestinian students. Innovative projects such as iCode introduced coding skills to middle and high school students throughout the West Bank and
DEED Women’s DEED is a 3-year (2014-2016) project aimed at increasing women’s economic development by establishing and operating women-led small businesses based in PSD’s community centers. Despite an overall increase in the number of women continuing higher education in the Palestinian territories over the last 10 years, a high
Youth EARN Youth EARN is designed to transfer valuable educational knowledge and build on skill sets that shift the local and global outlook of youth. It utilizes a service-learning based approach for acquiring essential skills and increasing sustainability, entrepreneurship, and employability, so youth are better prepared for the job
YEED Youth Engagement in Economic Development (YEED) aims at building youth capacities in marginalized areas affected by Israeli settlements or the separation wall. The purpose of this year-long program is to improve youth economic opportunities through their integration in the implementation of meaningful community-based initiatives. The program helps youth